More than any other industrial sector, manufacturing depends on efficient supply chains. Previously, raw materials were transformed into finished products on a single site; however, globalisation has increased the availability of components, helping to suppress costs and increasing the selection of bespoke goods for customers.
Microsoft Cloud For Manufacturing Is Helping With Growing Supply Chain Issues
Topics: Domestic Manufacturing, UK Manufacturing, Supply Chain UK, Microsoft
The Industry Skills Shortage Is Critical, But The 96% Rise In Female Engineering Students Could Be Vital
Shortly after Christmas 2021, the CBI warned that many UK businesses are facing up to two years of labour shortages, with the manufacturing sector particularly hard hit. It’s a situation that’s not restricted to the UK – similar problems exist in the United States and Germany, for instance – but for a country that is globally recognised as a leader in the field, with strong export sales, a skilled labour shortage in manufacturing has major implications for supply chains and the economy.
Topics: Tube Manufacturing, CNC Turning, Domestic Manufacturing, UK Manufacturing, Engineering
The Manufacturing Sector Is The Biggest Piece Of The Puzzle For The UK's NetZero Aim
In 1771, the village of Cromford, Shropshire was propelled into the history books after Richard Arkwright chose it to host the world’s first water-driven spinning factory - a decision that would forever associate Cromford as the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution.
Topics: #shoutaboutukmfg, #supportukmfg, #ukmanufacturing, #ukfg, #netzero
Why It's Time For A Dedicated Commissioner For Manufacturing
In August 2021, John Penrose, MP for Weston-Super-Mare, backed the Institute for Prosperity’s 10-point plan for the revival of the UK’s manufacturing industry after Covid and Brexit, citing the ‘big, structural changes to our education system, our economy, and our society’ that are needed to reverse ‘the long, low decline of British manufacturing’.
Topics: manufacturing, #shoutaboutukmfg, #supportukmfg, #ukmanufacturing
The Ideal Manufacturing Commissioner Needs To Have The Right Attributes
At Hone-All, we’re passionate about the health and potency of the UK’s manufacturing sector, recognising it’s strong capacity for growth and success in a challenging global marketplace.
Our Director, Andrea Wilson, is a strong advocate for the appointment of a national Commissioner for Manufacturing, so that a dedicated official can assume responsibility for promoting and representing the sector’s interests, across Government departments and overseas in international trade deals.
However, appointing the right person to this post is crucial. So, what attributes should a Manufacturing Commissioner offer?
Topics: manufacturing, #shoutaboutukmfg, #supportukmfg, #ukmanufacturing
Our Steps To Becoming A More Eco-Friendly Business
Public concerns about the state of the environment have soared in recent years and, at Hone-All, we recognise that we have a role to play in protecting the Earth in any way we can.
Nearly one-quarter of carbon emissions are produced by manufacturing businesses worldwide and, while the CO2 emissions in the UK have fallen by 10% in the past year, there’s clearly a long way to go.
Topics: CNC Honing, CNC Turning, CNC Machining, UK Manufacturing, Engineering
How Will The Defence Sector Help The UK Economy Improve?
The UK has a proud history of producing some of the best quality defence equipment in the world, from fighter aircraft to missiles and machine guns. As one of the most dynamic manufacturing industries, which, together with aerospace, accounts for over £12 billion in output, the defence sector is well-positioned to support the UK economy as it rebounds from the slump caused by the global pandemic.
Topics: Precision Engineering, UK Manufacturing
Industrial rollers are key components in many types of machinery, particularly in the printing and packaging industry. They are predominantly used to move a variety of product through complex processing equipment but also provide essential support when material is moved through a machine, preventing it from becoming out of place, dislodged, or jammed.
Topics: Precision Rollers, Industral Rollers, Rollers
At Hone-All, we have the knowledge, skills, and expertise to tackle complex projects in a range of sectors. As a family-run business that prides itself on teamwork, collaboration, and communication, we’re not constrained by muted ambition; instead, we invest in our teams and technology to ensure the highest quality service for our customers in diverse areas of industry, from aerospace and pharmaceuticals to defence and motorsport.
Topics: Precision Rollers, Deep Hole Boring, Aerospace Industry, Industrial Rollers, CNC Turning, Precision Machining, Precision Engineering, UK Manufacturing, Engineering, Hydraulic Systems
In the 2020-2021 season, the global audience watching Formula 1 reached 433 million viewers, making it one of the world’s most popular sports. Yet few people realise that each F1 car is constructed from an astounding 80,000 separate components, making each vehicle a compressed 720kg package of hydraulic systems, mechanical devices, carbon, tyres, and fuel!
Topics: Precision Machining, Precision Engineering, UK Manufacturing, Engineering, Hydraulic Systems