Key Reasons To Choose Trepanning Over Solid Core Drilling

Posted by Andrea Wilson on Nov 12, 2020 1:18:00 PM


If you’re planning an engineering project in which you’ll need to drill holes into metals, it’s essential to choose the most suitable method of drilling to achieve the optimum results. Drilling and trepanning are two options, but it’s vital to understand the difference, and the advantages, to make an informed decision.

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What is Trepanning?

In conventional solid core drilling, the rotating drill bit destroys the core in the diameter of the hole as it advances through the metal, converting it to fine chippings, or swarf. This irretrievable material must be disposed of as it serves no useful purpose; however, with high-quality drilling equipment, the hole is drilled with a good finish and a high degree of accuracy.

Trepanning is suited for drilling large diameter holes where high levels of tolerance are not required, or if the core material in the diameter of the hole is to be retained. Instead of drilling out the entire core, only an annulus (ring) is drilled, so the core material in the hole - the slug - is intact and reclaimable. Trepanning is usually carried out on rods and plates, on ferrous or non-ferrous materials, often where a hole more than 100mm in diameter is required. Occasionally, it is used to create circular grooves for seals, such as O-rings, to be seated in snugly.

Key Advantages of Trepanning

Trepanning offers several advantages over conventional solid core drilling:

1) Superior Energy Efficiency

Solid core drilling involves boring through hard metals, a process that requires considerable effort and energy to complete. In trepanning, however, only the annulus around the core is drilled, so the process is easier and quicker. Consequently, the amount of power and energy required to operate trepans is less, saving money and time, and improving your business’s credentials as an environmentally aware organisation.

2) Reduced Waste

As trepanning leaves the core of the drilled hole intact, rather than breaking it down into tiny chippings, there is considerably less waste to contend with. This can improve the quality of the drilling process, as swarf isn’t produced that can obstruct the machinist’s view or interfere with equipment; consequently, trepanning is rapid and accurate.

The core material from the trepanned metal can be reclaimed, either for recycling, salvage, or reuse, eliminating the need to dispose of potentially hazardous waste material and reducing costs in the process.

3) High Cost-efficiency

The lower running costs of operating trepanning machinery, and the reduction in waste, contribute to a higher cost-efficiency than solid core drilling. Lower energy bills and waste charges, coupled with the income earned by selling or recycling the reclaimed core after drilling, will contribute to a healthier financial position.

Also, increased productivity – a result of faster drilling times, with less need to stop to clean debris from machinery – also boosts cost-effectiveness, making trepanning the first-choice method in many situations.

Obtaining a No-obligation Quotation From Hone-All

At Hone-All, trepanning is one of several drilling methods we deliver to yield high-quality results that meet our clients’ specifications. To obtain a free quote, complete our online form, or feel free to chat with us about your project by calling +44 1525 370666.

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