We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who was able to join us at the SPE Offshore Europe Exhibition in Aberdeen two weeks ago. It was great to renew old acquaintances and make some new contacts, and we have been busily following up leads and opportunities made at the exhibition. If you were at the exhibition but didn’t get a chance to chat, please accept our apologies. Do give us a call and it will be good to catch up in person either at our offices or at one of the trade exhibitions next year. The exhibition was a busy few days with some fantastic exhibitors and in most cases, an upbeat perspective on the future.
A Proactive Attitude To Global Challenges
The overall message we took home from Offshore this year was: yes, things have been tough out there for the oil and gas industry, but there are some great new technologies, new start-up businesses and new talent coming on board that are even now providing tomorrow’s solutions to whenever problems come up. The reduction in oil prices has been a severe blow for a lot of businesses, but the positive is that in some cases, this has spurred productivity and innovation in new areas, as businesses have been forced to think outside the box to maintain their profits. The cautious optimism was clear from most people we spoke with, especially in relation to a more consistent barrel price and hoping this leads to a more stable market for the future.
Confronting Cyber Threats
It was also good to see the cybercrime threat to the oil and gas sector being tackled head-on at the exhibition. Cyber-attacks have increased in both severity and regularity over the past 12 months, causing malicious damage not only to infrastructure and businesses, but also to the environment and worker’s lives. It was great to hear about a range of new cyber security solutions from leading researchers in the industry.
Improved Decommissioning Technologies
Another highlight for us was the ‘Decommissioning Zone’ themed exhibition, showcasing a range of new decommissioning technologies and practices. As these become more widely implemented in the industry over the coming years, the monetary and time savings are sure to open up new opportunities for innovation and inward investment in other areas.
SPE Offshore Europe in Aberdeen bought our exhibition season to a close for this year. We look forward to taking part as exhibitors again next year, so keep checking back on this blog for regular updates.
Deep Hole Drilling, Boring & Honing Services From Hone All
To find out more about our services and how we can help your business, please get in touch with one of our team for a chat today. You can call us on 0845 5555 111, or send us a message through our online contact form. We also have a free e-book you can download. The Guide to Deep Hole Drilling, Boring & Honing Costs explains the factors that affect cost and quality, as well as the causes behind common mechanical problems. Claim your copy today by clicking here.