Manufacturing Efficiency: Key Factors To Consider At The RFQ Stage

Posted by Andrea Wilson on Jul 12, 2023 11:30:00 AM

An employee looking on a pc for a customer to consider key factors of the RFQ stage


In manufacturing processes, particularly those that create highly precision parts for the medical, automotive, or aerospace industries, efficiency is essential to ensure the timely delivery of high quality products. The Request for Quotation (RFQ) stage is a key element of the manufacturing process, not only because it provides customers with valuable information about lead times and costs, but also because it can significantly impact the manufacturing process.

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In this article, we’ll explore the key factors that we consider at the RFQ stage to optimise our manufacturing efficiency and deliver exceptional result's for our customers.


Accurate Costing And Lead Times

Understanding a customer’s project requirements and needs is crucial for us to provide accurate costings and lead time estimates. By carefully analysing the application, the specifications, materials, and manufacturing processes involved and utilising the power of manufacturing process software, we can provide more detailed and precise quotations. This helps our customers to plan around the anticipated delivery date and our team to streamline the manufacturing process for optimum efficiency.


Checking Drawn Features

Foresight, as the saying goes, is not about predicting the future but minimising surprises. During the manufacturing process, it’s essential that our machinists have a detailed understanding of the features that are required on a part, so they reduce the risk of inaccuracies and mistakes by carefully examining the initial drawings at the RFQ stage. This enables us to identify potential issues or challenges that may arise during production so that adjustments can be made to ensure the end product meets the desired specifications. Additionally, understanding the application can often lead to us challenging the need for specific drawing requirements which often results in us being able to reduce costs and lead time by simplifying or removing a drawn, but non-essential, feature.


Considering Concentricity

Concentricity is a critical factor in many manufacturing projects, particularly those that involve rotating or precision tubular-type components. It’s essential to consider concentricity requirements at the design and then material procurement stage, as this allows suitably sized materials to be sourced and machining techniques to be chosen. By giving careful thought to achievable concentricity, we optimise process efficiency and minimise the need for replacement, reworking or concession adjustments.


Handling Thin Wall Components

Thin wall components require special attention during the machining process as these delicate structures can be prone to deformation or distortion, which compromises the overall quality and functionality of the product. To safeguard quality standards, we apply our decades of experience and expertise to carefully select appropriate machining sequences, the correct cutting and clamping tools and machining parameters to ensure precise and accurate production of thin wall components.


Transparency In Quotations

Finally, clear and transparent communication is key to establishing trust and avoiding misunderstandings. Our detailed quotations offer a comprehensive breakdown of all planned operations, in the order we will be machining. Despite being advised that we are divulging our IP, we believe that by providing exceptional transparency, we empower our customers to understand the manufacturing process, make informed decisions, and provide valued feedback if necessary. Clear communication from the outset fosters a collaborative relationship with our customers which contributes to enhanced efficiency and customer satisfaction.


Contact Us To Find Out More

At Hone-All, open and honest communication underpins our customer relationships and contributes to outstanding service, the highest standard of quality and accurate, projected lead times. To find out more about our services, please call us on 01525 370666 or send an enquiry.

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Topics: Tube Manufacturing, Precision Machining, UK Manufacturing

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