4 Steps To Choosing The Most Reliable Industrial Rollers Company

Posted by Andrea Wilson on Jun 18, 2019 10:00:00 AM

4 Steps To Choosing The Most Reliable Industrial Rollers Company

When it comes to industrial rollers, it pays to get it right. With the digital revolution causing changes to printing, packaging techniques, and machinery, many of the traditional norms have vanished. This means manufacturers of industrial rollers need to really know what they are doing. Here’s a quick guide to what a decent manufacturer will offer.

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1) A Thorough Examination Of Technical Drawings

This is a fairly unique requirement of industrial rollers. For decades, nothing ever changed in the industrial roller universe, with the result that the same basic blueprints have been in circulation since time immemorial. When tweaks and alterations have been made, they are often not recorded, presenting a major problem when:

  • Engineers retire
  • Equipment is updated
  • A company changes hands

It can be a very nasty surprise when the finished rollers look nothing like they should do or don’t fit the machine. However, it is a surprisingly common problem when antiquated drawings are used. Expect your manufacturer to:

  • Examine your designs very carefully
  • Start with the end requirements and work backwards to troubleshoot design problems
  • Offer thorough planning rather than promising lightning-fast turnarounds

2) Equate Quality With Productivity

When it comes to industrial rollers, the higher the roller quality, the better the productivity. Despite this basic rule, it is very easy to fall into the false economy trap. Saving a few pence can look good on paper, but shoddy parts cost a fortune in productivity loss. As a general rule, some manufacturers will look to save money by corner cutting and using low-grade materials. This has a range of negative outcomes, including:

  • Poor quality printing and packaging
  • Increased downtime due to breakages
  • Inefficiencies

Good manufacturers will:

  • Ask lots of questions about the design and manufacturing process
  • Take the design phase seriously
  • Discuss your requirements in detail (the most expensive industrial roller might not be best for your needs.)

Transparency is crucial. If your supplier is not prepared to sit down and discuss your requirements in detail, walk away.

3) Experience

Industrial rollers look straightforward, but are far from it. Rollers have a tough job to do, and creating a roller that is up to the task requires high levels of industry knowledge. Guarantees that your manufacturer knows what they are doing include:

  • A proven history and experience in this type of machining
  • Time taken to discuss drawings and requirements
  • Additional in-depth information, such as detailed guides

4) Support

Any reasonable manufacturer of high-quality equipment will offer extensive support and aftercare. Machine downtime is very expensive, so the type of service offered for repairs or refurbishment is a major consideration when budgeting. If you opt for an off-the-peg part and something goes wrong, you’re on your own. In terms of your reputation and productivity, it’s never worth taking that risk. Expect adequate support and a willingness to assist with any problem which may arise.

Speak To Us

When it comes to industrial rollers, getting it wrong can be a costly mistake. To make sure that you don’t fall into any of the common traps, demand the best from your manufacturer. For more information, download our free Industrial Rollers Guide.

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Topics: Precision Rollers, Industrial Rollers

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